Saturday, December 20, 2008

Discover How To Build Your Own Solar Panels

If you have ever wanted to live off the grid, you'll have the opportunity to do so by learning how to build your own solar panels. When compared to purchasing commercial solar panels this is a far cheaper option.

Paying for commercially sold panels could easy run you thousands of dollars, whereas the ones you create yourself may only cost you two hundred dollars or less. It's the dirty little secret that most people aren't fortunate enough to know. You, however, will have the benefit of being able to do what others cannot: build your own solar panels.

Just run the math and you'll see the obvious benefit. How much is your average electric bill? $100? More? Imagine being able to reduce that amount to a mere fraction of that. Imagine being able to eliminate it completely. Within a couple of months, your homemade solar panels will have paid for themselves in savings.

And of course, let's not forget the green factor in all of this. By going solar, even just partially, you'll be switching to a free, renewable energy source. Can you really put a price on the environment?

There are currently a number of plan providers on the Internet, and Apples 2 Kiwis Comparisons will show you some of the most popular options available.

Earth 4 Energy
Perhaps the best advertised guide on how to build your own solar panels, Earth 4 Energy promises to show you how absolutely anyone can create free solar energy right at home. As an added bonus, the creator of this info-product, Michael Harvey will show you how to get storage batteries (which run $600 apiece) for free.

Format: Written Guide & Videos

Parts Source: Hardware Store

Windmill Plans: Included

Cost To Build: > $200

Guide Price: $49.97

Click Here Now To Learn More

Homemade Energy
Scientist and inventor Bill Ford is creator of Homemade Energy, and his informational package aims to free people from the electric grid.

The guide easily details the creation of effective, conveniently sized solar panels that can be used individually to power individual appliances or combined to end your dependence on non-renewable energy sources.

Format: Written Guide & Diagrams

Parts Source: Hardware Store

Windmill Plans: Included

Cost To Build: $100 - $200

Guide Price: $47.00

Click Here Now To Learn More

Free Energy Options
Alan Hopkins is the creator of Free Energy Options, an easy to follow guide that will teach you how to build your own solar panels.

This guide to creating free solar energy also comes with tips on finding the cheapest parts available, tips for maintaining your homemade energy generators, and ways to cut your energy consumption by up to 30%.

Format: Written Guide & Diagrams

Parts Source: Hardware Store

Windmill Plans: Included

Cost To Build: > $200

Guide Price: $48.95

Click Here Now To Learn More

When energy prices continue to rise, you'll be glad you made the switch your free sources of solar and wind energy. With enough homemade energy, you may even MAKE MONEY. If your meter starts running in reverse, your utility provider can actually pay you for the energy you create.

Why not save some green by going green. Learn how to build your own solar panels.

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